Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Revelation 20-22

Today Nicole volunteered to be "bound". We discussed how being bound affects a person's freedom because they can't move or make choices.John the Revelator is one of the few prophets to see the end of the earth. He writes in Revelations 20-22 about the binding of Satan during the millennium and he will not have power to tempt or deceive people. But after the millennium and before the final end, Satan will be loosed and is allowed once more to "deceive the nations". John sees the destruction of one last demonic army and the final judgment for all of God's children. He hears Christ deliver a message echoing the ones delivered to the seven churches in Asia: "He that overcometh shall inherit all things". Finally, he sees the faithful Saints who did overcome and are dwelling on the earth in celestial splendor.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Revelation 5-9: A Book with Seven Seals

In his vision, John saw the throne of God. He also saw that God held a book that was sealed with seven seals. Christ was the only one worthy to open this book, which He did, one seal at a time. As He opened each seal, John saw a vision of what was contained in that part of the book. We learn in D&C 77:6-7 that the seven seals symbolize one thousand years of history. Thus, what John saw as each seal was opened symbolized events that occurred during that thousand years of history. When the 1st seal was opened, John saw a man with a crown riding a white horse and conquering. This represents Enoch, who helped his people conquer their enemies and establish a city of purity and righteousness symbolized by the white horse.
The second seal revealed the violence, death and destruction that occurred in the time of Noah and the flood.
The third seal represented a time when God's people were affected by famines. Abraham and Jacob's families were very much affected by famines.
The fourth seal reminds us that the time between 1000 B.C. and Christ's birth was a time of warfare among the covenant people. The fifth seal revealed what faithful Saints of John's day were then encountering-giving their lives for their testimony.
The sixth seal pertains to the dispensation in preparation for the Savior's Second Coming.
The seventh seal is the Millennium.

Friday, May 1, 2009

May Reading

This month's reading:
Week 1: Revelation 1-7
Week 2: Revelation 10-15
Week 3: Revelation 17-22
YOU DID IT!!!!!!!!!