Friday, April 24, 2009

Happy Birthday from Sister Moberly

This month we celebrated our April birthdays with Sister Moberly donating her world-famous cinnamon rolls for our birthday breakfast- (well I think they are world famous-haha!) They were an absolute hit with all the kids! Thank you Sister Moberly!!
Happy Birthday to Kaity & Jennifer (above) and Tristain, Stuart, Natalie & Nicole (below)

We got to finish cooking them at seminary and the whole classroom smelled divine!!

Dallin...please don't spill your hot chocolate today. -Ooops...too late:) haha!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Missionary Work

Today we talked about 1 Thes 2:5-12 and discussed the characteristics of a good missionary. Then the different grades got into groups and made puppets and performed a skit about missionary work incorporating some of their Scripture Mastery scriptures. Natalie, Kendra & Nicole displaying some of our missionaries and converts-ha!! The biggest challenge was our short stage! Alessandro did a great job as the evil influence-haha!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Christ's image in our countenance

Today we studied Colossians. We read Paul's powerful testimony of Christ and how it gave him strength, courage and conviction. We demonstrated this by having Matt stand on a footstool. Matt chose some friends to help support(deeply root) him. Then we had Chloe and Nicole try to knock him off the stool, but they weren't able to do it because he had the power he needed to stand strong.Next, Tiffany physically prepared herself for a trip to the Artic! She put on layers and layers of warm clothes to protect herself from the elements. Then we read Col 3:12 and learned what Paul taught the saints to "put on" to prepare themselves spiritually and be able to have Christ's image in their countenance. We also read Alma 5:14 and Moroni 7:48.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Valley of the Sun!!

We took advantage of Spring Break and travelled to Mesa, AZ for the Church's Easter Pageant held outdoors on the Mesa Temple grounds. The pageant was started back in 1928, the year after the temple opened. There was a volunteer cast of over 450, live animals and beautiful music. We had a wonderful time and are so grateful for our safe trip!

Here we are after the performance. We teased Jordan that he was accompanied to the pageant by his "harem"!

Brother Stefl made arrangements with his friends, the Hamel family, in Chandler who graciously hosted us for the night. We all loved staying with them and were so grateful for their amazing hospitality! Sister Hamel even had cookies, milk and other treats for us when we got to their house late that night!! Jordan was especially glad they had a son, Dallin, who was his age, played the guitar and was someone we'd all love to have in our seminary class! (Actually I think all the girls were glad too-haha!!)

Here we are before saying goodbye! I couldn't find Sister Hamel for the picture at first. (She looked like one of the seminary kids!-ha- but she's in front between Jordan and Kaity)

Dallin and Sister Hamel

Back at the show....a Roman soldier was wondering what Jordan was up to!??

Chloe's big sister Alicia was able to join us..we all love her! Here the girls, with Rachel and the surrending officer!!

Jordan, Tris and Rhi with some of the cast

Chloe, Alicia and Rachel

Luckily Kendra's family was in AZ and they sat with us during the performance! This is Kendra (middle) and her AZ friends!


Alicia and Rachel

Sister Robles and camera shy Sister Sitze were so wonderful to help chaperone and drive the youth!!

Nicole & Natalie

Abi, Chantel & Kaity

Meryl & Deidre


Jordan, Tristain & Rhiannon

Hanging out after breakfast at the Hamel's gorgeous home

Dallin, Deidre and Chantel

Chantel, Kaity & Meryl



The "party" room!! haha!!

Meryl & Kaity (and maybe Deidre-haha!)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Reading

Keep're so close!
Week 1: 1&2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon
Week 2: Hebrews
Week 3: James, 1 Peter
Week 4: 2 Peter, 1,2,3 John, Jude