Friday, March 27, 2009

Happy March Birthdays!

Birthday wishes go to Deidre and Chantel. We love you!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Master Builder!

I put Dallin in charge of building our temptation-resisiting "WALL". Everyone contributed their own blocks of ways to resist the tempations they are faced with. We had blocks of prayer, singing hymns, scripture reading, having good friends, using self control, etc. Russell, Chloe and Natalie threw some temptation its way, but it stood strong and didn't break or tip over. We talked about 1 Cor 10:13 and how God won't allow us to be tempted above what we can bear and also how He always makes a way for us to escape! We learned how staying way far on the Lord's side (behind our wall) will keep us safe!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Irish Beauty

Deidre takes the cake for her love of St. Patrick's Day! We had many wearing green today, but Deidre stole the show! We all love you Deidre!!

Thanks for the photo McKay!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Our Little Mermaid!!

Chaparral High School swim team had a 20 hour swim-a-thon Saturday to raise money for their team. They started at 4:00 am and ended at midnight. They asked the kids to each sign up for at least one shift of two hours, so they would have kids swiming the entire twenty hours. They were supposed to get either flat rate pledges or by the lap. The coaches told them that they didn't have to swim any particular number of laps, but just had to keep moving while they were in the water. Chloe not only decided she was going to do the whole twenty hours, but set a goal to swim a thousand laps of the pool during that time. She was the only one on her team that made it the whole twenty hours and was still swimming till the end! She'll be swimming to Catalina next!!

(Thanks to Chloe's mom-Kayla- for this!!)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Temecula Stake Public Affairs Council was involved in putting together a Special Games for the Temecula community. The games were held Friday March 13th at Chaparral High School and many of our seminary youth participated. Those that did loved it! (Matt got his picture in the paper -see below). We are so blessed to live in an area where our members and stake make such a positive difference in our community!!

Chaparral High School student Matt Lester, 17, helps Murrieta Valley High student Jimmy Foglesong, 19, across the finish line during a race that was part of the Temecula Special Games. The event featured a variety of noncompetitive games and sporting events for developmentally disabled students. (Photo by Andrew Foulk - For The Californian)

Friday, March 13, 2009

I'm so Confused!

Sister Rock is too confused to handle when a clock displays the incorrect time! So if you love her....please don't confuse her!! HAHAHA!!

(Thanks for the fun guys!)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Kidnapped Again

Sister Rock was kidnapped and taken to Jamba Juice AGAIN! This time the culprits were Tiffany and Abi! (I have to admit....I really enjoy being kidnapped-haha!)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Rock Star of the Week-Tiffany

I am so excited to have Tiffany in class! She loves to learn about the gospel, ask questions and use what she learns in her life. She is a busy girl and I appreciate the sacrifice she makes to attend seminary!!

Candy- Reeses
Color- Blue
Movie- Nightmare before Christmas
Holiday- St. Patrick’s Day
Hymn- Battle Hymn of the Republic
Gen Auth- President Hinckley
Scripture- D&C 64:9-11

Traveling to Europe
Wishes for a better world
I’d be graduated already
Heels would become painless!!

No free time-Beauty School Student!!

Joined church all on her own at 15!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

We're not complete without YOU!!

Today we put together puzzles to teach that each member of our Church has different spiritual gifts. We must each contribute our talents without thinking that we are more important than others because if any piece was missing we would not be complete!! (Romans 12:3-8, 16:17-18) Deidre & Tristain

Stuart & Rhi

Abi & Chantel
McKay & Nicole
Jennifer & Kaity
DallinMatt & Russell's puzzle was really "Glowing" haha!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Romans 9-11: Foreordination

Today (using playdough) we made trees to show how the Gentiles' were grafted in to the house of Israel. We learned that Jesus Christ is the root of the tree we are grafted into. We can ALL receive nourishment and strength from the Lord by our adoption into His true church and following HIM.

Thanks to McKay for all the photos!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

March Reading

Keep Reading Everyone! Below is the schedule for March:

Week 1: Romans 9-16
Week 2: 1Corinthians 1-14
Week 3: 1Cor 15, 2Corinthians 1-13
Week 4: Galations & Ephesians
Week 5: Philippians, Colossians, 1&2 Thessalonians