Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Birthday Kendra!!

Today is Halloween! We had a few visitors...Little Red Riding Hood (Chloe), Obe Wan Kenobi (Jordan) and some cute swim girls. Along with our Month End Breakfast, we also celebrated Kendra's 16th Birthday! Stuart played his guitar all during class and we LOVED it! Jordan sang along (with the "Force" of course)! McKay and Kaity were some of those who did some fancy pictionary drawings of their favorite scripture mastery scriptures after breakfast. Brother Northrup cooked up a great breakfast and got fancy with his pancakes! He also brought us delicious bacon! He needs to be on the FOOD network :) Thanks SO much for all your help!!

Brother Eason joined us today too! Thanks for the OJ!
Matt and Rachel used their "Force" on Jennifer's breakfast. I think we better leave those light sabers with Obe Wan!

Rock on Stuart!

Thanks Stuart for sharing your amazing talent with us today during breakfast!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Rock Star of the Week-Chantel

Chantel's smile is so contagious (don't you agree!!) and she can make us all smile and laugh and she brings a great spirit to our class..that is why she is our Rock Star this week! FAVORITES
Sport- Football
Candy- Chocolate Covered Gummi Bears
Color- Pink
Movie- Pirates 1-2-3
Holiday- Halloween
Hymn- Spirit of God
Gen Auth- Thomas S. Monson

Dream Vacation-Bahamas

Listen to Music
Hang out with Friends
2 dogs- Cody & Izzy

Born in London, England

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Devotionals for Week of Oct 27th

For the next few weeks our devotionals will be focusing on the topics found in the "For the Strength of Youth" pamphlet (see the Oct issue of the New Era). Students are asked to share a story or personal experience related to their assigned topic and also tie it in with a scripture mastery scripture ( if possible.)
This weeks assignments are:
Monday-Rachel-Dress & Appearance
Tuesday-Natalie-Service to Others
Wednesday-Tristain-Sabbath Day Observance
Friday-Kaity-Music and Dancing

Reading Block for week of Oct 26-Nov 1

Reading block for this week is Luke Chapters 1-6 The Scripture Mastery verse of the week is John 14:15

Friday, October 24, 2008

NASCAR comes to Temecula!

We had 4 teams vying for the fastest cars by racing to look up their scripture mastery verses this week at the Temecula NASCAR. Three of the four teams crossed the finish line in a tie! It got pretty exciting especially when Matt's team noticed Dallin's team had an all too familiar white car in several of the heats!

Racer Nicole
Racer Rhiannon

Racer Jordan
Racer Matt
Racer Dallin
Racer Kaity

Monday, October 20, 2008

Rock Star of the Week-Chloe

Chloe is our star of the week because she keeps us on our toes by always making our Scripture Mastery games extra challenging and competitive!! :) FAVORITES
Sport- Water Polo
Candy- Snickers/Sourpatch Watermelon
Color- Aqua
Movie- Ironman/Batman
Holiday- Halloween
Hymn- #60- Battle Hymn of the Republic

That my house was done
To play water polo in college

Water Polo
Dog- Gogo

UNIQUE thing about Chloe
I have 4 brothers……
2 of them have an age difference of 17 years

Weekly Devotionals Oct 20-24th

Monday: Rhiannon
Tuesday: Elizabeth
Wednesday: Russell
Thursday: Chantel
Friday: Dallin

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Scripture Block for Oct 19th-25th

This week's reading is Mark 11-16

Scripture Mastery of the week is John 10:16

Monday, October 13, 2008

Star of the Week-Rachel

Rachel is our star this week for all the "Spirit" she has brought to class! Whether dressing up for CHS homecoming spirit days or sharing scriptures/comments in class...she is a great example to us all! FAVORITES
Sport- Gymnastics
Candy- Snickers
Color- Pink
Movie- The Holiday
Holiday- Christmas
Hymn- Nearer My God to Thee
Gen Auth- Gordon B. Hinckley
Scripture- John 3:16

To live in Europe for a year to two
Always stay close to my friends
My dog to never die
Travel to Ireland, London, Greece

Be With Friends
3 dogs: Riley, Maddy & PJ

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Oct 12-18th Scripture Block

You'll be half way done with Mark after this week's reading: Mark Chapters 4-10

The Scripture Mastery Scripture of the week is John 7:17

Friday, October 10, 2008

We've got THE Spirit yes we do!

This week there have been many signs of the upcoming CHS Homecoming game with all sorts of "spirit" days....from twin day, animal day, class distinction and so on. Here are a few pix the swim girls sent me of their fun twin day! Thanks girls! Nicole and Kendra
Natalie & Chloe

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Rock Star- Sister Stefl

A special THANKS to Sister Stefl who helped out teaching this week while I was sick! The kids loved your lessons and look forward to you sub-ing again!! :)

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Oct 5th-11th Reading

Keep READING everyone! This week's assignment is Matthew 27 & 28 and Mark 1-3

Our Scripture Mastery Scripture of the week is John 3:5

Friday, October 3, 2008

Swim girls kidnap Sister Rock

I guess you could also say I was hi-jacked after seminary today! The swim girls took me to Jamba Juice on the way to school. I have to say I enjoyed every minute of it! hahaha!!!!

Countdown to Conference

For the last 2 weeks we've been counting down to General Conference which will be held tomorrow and Sunday (yea...10 hours of TV time!) We've learned about many of the Apostles who will speak to us and share inspired messages. Next week we will have the opportunity to share with each other some of the things we learned! Conference session times (PT) on Saturday are: 9-11am, 1-3pm and the Priesthood session is 5-7pm. Sunday times are 9-11am and 1-3pm.

Elder Quentin L. Cook

Elder Cook was called to be an apostle in 2007. He worked as a business lawyer earning his degree in political science from Utah State University. Hi earned his Juris Doctor degree from Standford University. He is a native of Logan, Utah. He served in the British mission. He also served as mission President of the Pacific Islands and Northwest Areas. Thanks Russell for a job well done on your devotional today!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Elder Richard G. Scott

I loved Elizabeth's devotional today about Elder Scott. He was born in 1928 in Pocatello, Idaho. His father wasn't a member. His father served with the dept of Agriculture and later joined the church because of the example of President Ezra Taft Benson. Elder Scott served his mission in Uruguay. He turned down a prominent job offer in order to go, but was blessed when he came back with an even better job. He worked as a nuclear engineer. He was called to be an apostle in 1988.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

And the Password IS........

Our scripture mastery studies this week included a game called "Password". The prompter gave his team a key word that they then had to try and figure out the scripture. A bonus point was added for the team that looked up the verse first. Everyone also paired up and memorized at least 2 more SM! They are doing a great job!

Elder Robert D. Hales

It was interesting to hear what Rachel shared about Elder Hales today. He was born in New York City and is a graduate of the University of Utah. He received his masters in business administration from Harvard. He served in the US Air Force as a jet fighter pilot. He was called as an Apostle in 1994. He also served as the president of the England London Mission in the late '70's. He has 2 sons with his wife Mary Crandall. Thanks Rachel!!