Just a reminder....once we get 100% for the week of everyone reading their 10 minutes a day from the New Testament, Brother Eason will bring in donuts on the following Friday! So Keep Up The Good Reading!!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Welcome to Seminary-Our First Week Happenings
Our first week at Seminary has been wonderful! Making the sacrifice of sleep to come to seminary is a big one for these busy kids....but they are all dedicated and absolutely the best kids in our stake as far as I'm concerned!! We started off by getting binders to hold our study supplies...the girls especially loved them (thanks to Sister Ham for the great idea)! We watched DVD clips about coming unto Christ and wrote our feelings about Him and put them into our "Time Capsule" to review at the end of the year and see how our testimonies of Him will grow/change. We learned how to use all the helpful scripture aids for studying our scriptures by "hunting" for the clues hidden in the classroom. Our favorite aid was the "Tropical" guide thanks to Dallin! Stuart did a great job explaining "suffer" vs. "permit" from Matt 3:15 using the Italicized words footnote. Wednesday everyone drew a picture of the plan of salvation and then working in groups put together a group drawing. Using the topical guide each group then presented a scripture relating to the plan of salvation. I was SO impressed by their insights and knowledge! WOW...what AMAZING kids! Blindfolded Natalie guided Chloe through a maze on the chalkboard showing how it's easy to be blinded in this life but having God's plan and the tools to learn about Him help us through life's course. Rhiannon was our first to pass off a Scripture Mastery scripture, which led us into our Thursday Scripture Mastery day. We got a brief overview of the 25 scriptures with the Magic Square game followed by the extremely competitive Backpack game. Friday we celebrated the summer birthdays with breakfast and then learned about what the Jews looked for in a Messiah and also their feelings towards the Samaritans. We enjoyed Brother Northrup and Brother Eason visiting our class throughout the week too-thanks for coming! Here's our beautiful church building where we meet each day at 6:00am.
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